Propagating bilingual translations of French literary masterpieces

The “Pardon My French” initiative aims to bring French literature to bookstores in select Indian cities, in dedicated corners with a list curated for local readers, in partnership with the bookstores.

From iconic authors such as Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus and Marcel Proust, to an array of exciting new writers, a range of French literature will now be available in English and Tamil translations thanks to an initiative of the French Institute in India (IFI) and a prominent book seller in the city.

The IFI, which is a section of the Embassy of France, mandated to foster people-to-people exchanges, has teamed up with the Focus Bookstore for the programme, “Pardon My French!”.

A freewheeling chat led by founders of ‘Thinnai Stories’, an online literary forum, marked the roll out of the “Pardon My French” initiative of  the French Institute in India on Tuesday. | Photo Credit: Special Arrangement

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