The First Caribbean Women in Space

A mother-and-daughter team from Antigua and Barbuda is making history this month as the first-ever Caribbean women in space. 

Keisha Schahaff and her daughter Anastasia Mayers are boarding Virgin Galactic’s first private astronaut spaceflight (and second commercial spaceflight) on Aug. 10, when they board the Galactic 02 spaceflight from Spaceport America in New Mexico. 

The Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority is planning two public watch parties in the country, allowing “the entire nation to be a part of the celebrations.”

“Antigua and Barbuda’s spirit of adventure is unparallel. We commend the duo who will for years to come serve as an inspiration for those within our society who dream of traveling to space, and as a reminder of fearless Antiguans and Barbudans who have broken barriers,” said Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Minister Charles Fernandez. “We are excited to witness this moment in history and extend an open invitation to all to join us at the watch parties for this historic moment.”

The watch party will include Sir Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Galactic, and Christopher Huie, a Jamaican-American who earlier this year became the 19th Black astronaut, along with other guests. 

 “We applaud our ladies as they embark on their remarkable journey to space. The excitement is such that the whole of Antigua and Barbuda feels as if we will be going to space with the ladies.  We cannot wait for August 10, and will be out with our flags to cheer the ladies on”. 




06/08/2023 - 06:59

Ca nous change de l'image "brinnin bonda" des femmes caribéennes qui polluent littéralement Internet !

Albè, je comprends votre agacement mais....

Frédéric C.

07/08/2023 - 16:57

...n'auriez-vous pas pu/du écrire "brennen bonda DE femmes Caribéennes qui...", au de "DES femmes Caribéennes...". Vous savez comme moi que ce ne sont pas TOUTES les femmes caribéennes qui font ça, y compris en Mque. Pas d'amalgames, SVP, pas d'amalgames! Ce n'est pas parce que CERTAINS Haïtiens ou Dominicains sont des délinquants qu'ils sont tous à mettre dans le même sac. Ce dernier amalgame contribue au vote MLP d'avril 2022, et il y a d'autres causes, qui ne relèvent pas que de la "connerie", contrairement à ce que je crois avoir lu sous la plume de R.Confiant (le 24 ou 25/4/22, j'étais très en colère, mais il vaut mieux essayer de comprendre que d'insulter).

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