Ghana To Formally Apologize For Its Role In Transatlantic Slave Trade

An assembly of over 100 delegates from Ghana is set to gather in Kansas City to formally apologize for the nation's role in the transatlantic slave trade.

On Wednesday (September 28), a special ceremony will be held at the Quindaro Underground Railroad in Kansas City where the delegation will converge with other local and national leaders for a conversation of apology and healing regarding the slave trade.

“It’s time to say what needs to be said to all African Diaspora and we must have the conversation and resolve our actions and inactions as rulers of our Kingdoms during the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade which is deeply regretted,” said Nana Obokese Ampah I, the founder and president of the Obokese University of Excellence, per Black Enterprise.

According to The Voice, the Obokese foundation of Ghana aims to reach out to “all our displaced brethren of the global Diaspora” to “begin anew” and heal from the "unmentionable horrors" faced by enslaved people.

The ceremony is a part of a two-day event that looks to bridge a long-lasting exchange of trade, tourism, and culture between Kansas City, a UNESCO City of Music, and UNESCO Ghana.

The event was a vision of the United Nations Decade of People of African Descent.

For more than 150 years, Ghana was a hub for the British slave trade, per The Voice.

Of the 10 million people believed to be sold, traded, and transported in the transatlantic slave trade, some were captured directly by slave traders in coastal raids, while others were sold by West African and European slave traders.

Photo: Getty Images

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